A secret

I haven’t done much,
I smiled, I yelled, I got upset,
And bored,
Sometimes I watched the stars,
Turning into night,
And the night,
Turning into a dream,

I played with my thoughts,
And gambled my feelings,
Going with some flow.

Some say I am on to something,
I just want to be me,
To do what I do,
And not what has to be done,
Because we have no other choice,
Than to have it all,
And than miss it.

I gazed into the concrete,
The young poet was wrong,
I see no roses,
And no water springs,
And no hope whatsoever.
I only see the reflection,
Of a burdened sun,
And a shadow of some inception.
But some may think they care,
Until otherwise provided.

One has power to believe,
Only for a moment,
Until he fades away,
Or out.